Automatic Creation of Exchange Mailboxes with EdbMails
EdbMails simplifies Exchange migration with its automated mailbox creation feature, minimizing the complexities associated with manual setup tasks. Managing mailbox creation before an Exchange Server migration can be time-consuming. EdbMails automates the process by automatically creating the new mailboxes directly on the target server. This automated approach not only saves time but also ensures that all mailboxes are accurately configured and ready for seamless migration.
Steps to Create Exchange Server Mailboxes Automatically
Choose the option ‘Automatically create mailboxes on my target server and map source mailboxes accordingly’ in the mapping window.
Click the ‘Export Source Mailbox Details to CSV File’ button to export the source Exchange server mailbox details and select the location to store the CSV file on your computer.
Modify the details such as Display Name, Alias, UPN, Password with the the target server details in the SourceMailboxes.csv file
Click the ‘Create Mailboxes on the Target Server’ button and load the modified csv
Select the list of mailboxes you want to create and click the ‘Continue’ button
Verify FQDN. Next, enter the mailbox database and Organization Unit.
Once the mailboxes have been successfully created, a notification will appear. Next, click 'Proceed with the migration'.
It may take a few minutes for the newly created mailboxes to become available for mapping. Re - try the operation after some time or click the link in the mapping window to reload the mailboxes.
- Proceed with the next process.