Map the source mailboxes to target mailboxes
Map the source mailboxes to destination mailboxes by using one of the following ways
Allow application to automatically map the mailboxes
Create mailboxes manually and map the mailboxes
Allow application to create and map the mailboxes
Allow application to automatically map the mailboxes
EdbMails application can automatically map the mailboxes if the target mailbox is present. You can choose application to map mailboxes automatically.

Create mailboxes manually and map the mailboxes
If the mailboxes are not present in your targer server then you can Login to your Exchange server and create the mailboxes manually. Upon creating the mailboxes on target server, you can map the same for migration using EdbMails.

Allow EdbMails to create and map the mailboxes
Choose the option 'Create a New Mailbox in Target server' to allow EdbMails to create mailboxes on your target server automatically. Fill the required details in the screen that appears as shown below.
During migration, EdbMails will create the mailboxes if the mailbox doesn't exists on your target server.

Note: Mailbox migration may fail if the propagation related to mailbox creation takes time. You can retry migration after some time.